Dr Basra - Child Behaviour Psychiatrist in Glasgow

Private Child ADHD Assessment – Edinburgh

Private ADHD Assessments for Children & Adolescents in Edinburgh

Diverse Diagnostics is a specialist clinic offering a comprehensive online private child ADHD assessment in Edinburgh and other areas in Scotland.

ADHD doesn’t have to be debilitating, especially when diagnosed at a young age. Early detection can empower children and teens because it helps them understand their mental health and neurodiversity. With this, they can develop tools and strategies to manage their symptoms and, ultimately, begin to thrive both at school and in day-to-day life.

As parents or teachers, you may have observed some behaviours that could be symptoms of ADHD, but you aren’t sure about the next step. Read more about our ADHD private diagnosis in Edinburgh below, or get in touch with us to arrange a free 15-minute consultation with a consultant psychiatrist.

We understand that many patients may tend to mask a lot of their symptoms and this may fall just below diagnostic criteria. By using our Enhanced ADHD Assessment, we administer the QB Check which is an objective, scientific and evidence-based assessment tool which doesn’t rely on the opinions and statements of others to assess for ADHD which standard ADHD assessments do. Click here to find out more about our Enhanced ADHD Assessments.

Read more about our private ADHD diagnosis in Edinburgh below or book a private ADHD assessment online with Diverse Diagnostics.

Please note: Our Edinburgh ADHD assessment is conducted online.

What is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how the brain functions and, therefore, behaviour.

There are many intricacies beyond attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which is why ADHD is such a misunderstood condition. Many parents and teachers misinterpret these behaviours as children/teens being intentionally difficult and their misled reactions can have a knock-on effect on young people during their early development.

The exact cause of ADHD is not clear, but there seems to be a genetic component whereby there is a higher risk if a parent or family member has it too.

ADHD Symptoms in Childhood & Teen Years

The signs and symptoms of ADHD generally divide into three components: attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. However, not every patient will be affected by all three. Some children will display one in the majority, while others will have combined symptoms.

The symptoms and behaviours usually present fairly early in a child’s development — generally before 12 years of age.

These include (but are not limited to):

  • Difficulties with focus or sustaining attention in school tasks or play activities

  • Makes careless mistakes or lacks attention to detail in schoolwork or activities

  • Avoids or shows a dislike for tasks that require sustained mental effort (like homework, studying, or schoolwork)

  • Easily distracted, even by unrelated stimuli, and often fails to follow through on instructions or finish tasks

  • Loses items needed for tasks or activities (toys, books, pencils, school assignments, etc.)

  • Often leaves seat in the classroom or runs and climbs excessively in situations where it would be inappropriate (presenting as feelings of restlessness in teens)

  • Fidgeting with hands or feet or squirming in seat

  • Difficulty with self-control and waiting their turn

  • Interrupts or blurts out answers before questions have been completed

Most adolescents with ADHD will have exhibited some of these behaviours when they were younger. If undiagnosed, this can lead to further feelings of frustration and failure when their academic demands and need for independence begin to grow too. This, in turn, can have a profound psychological effect on teenagers, even impacting their future aspirations.

Common Misconceptions Around ADHD Symptoms & Diagnoses

While the above list of symptoms is not a complete list, it is easy to see how certain behaviours are brushed aside as kids just being kids.

However, symptoms of ADHD in children can often be confused with behavioural issues, mood disorders, dyslexia, or even conduct disorder. Therefore, the correct assessment and diagnosis are vital. For this to be accurate, symptoms will need to have been reported within different environments (such as school and home, and at the medical examination).

Boys are typically diagnosed with ADHD more so than girls, according to some studies, although this could just be because caregivers pick up on hyperactive-impulsive behaviours more easily than inattentive ones. Girls often exhibit more internalised symptoms like inattentiveness, whereas boys typically exhibit more externalised symptoms like impulsivity.

If these symptoms and behaviours are ringing bells, a private ADHD child assessment could give your family the answers you need.

Contact Diverse Diagnostics to book a child ADHD diagnosis at our private clinic.

The Importance of Diagnosing ADHD

When ADHD is not treated, there are a number of risks that can affect a child or teen on an emotional, social, psychological, and education level. Some of these include:

  • Low self-esteem

  • Conduct behaviours

  • Low education attainment

  • Bad sleep patterns

  • Mood disorders (such as anxiety disorder or depression)

  • Difficulties with relationships and social skills

  • Increased risk of substance abuse

For this reason, being diagnosed with ADHD can be positively life changing. With the proper ADHD assessments and a GP/Consultant Report, the patient and their family can work together to take action and create a better quality of life.

Diverse Diagnostics’ thorough evaluation and private diagnosis of ADHD will help deliver the appropriate support with the possibility of medical treatment. With our extensive experience working with children with ADHD throughout Scotland, our specialist doctors can provide you with the right diagnosis and treatment advice.

If you think your child is affected by ADHD, contact Diverse Diagnostics to learn more about our private children’s ADHD assessment services.

Dr Basra - Child Behaviour Psychiatrist in Glasgow

Our Private ADHD Assessment Process

Our private ADHD assessment in Edinburgh includes a full assessment and a complete diagnostic GP report by one of our specialist psychiatric consultants for children and adolescents.

The Diverse Diagnostics online ADHD testing process for children aged 6–18 years is as follows:

  1. Initial Assessment — with a child and adolescent psychiatrist

  2. Formal ADHD screening questionnaires and school reports — sent out to appropriate professionals following the initial assessment

  3. Developmental history — with a child and adolescent psychiatrist

  4. Diagnostic feedback session — with a child and adolescent psychiatrist

Upon completion of the private assessment for ADHD, you will receive a detailed report and we will advise you on the next steps, as well as the treatment options available to you based on the patient’s individual needs.

Book a private ADHD assessment for your child online.

Treatment & Medication

Over and above the child ADHD private assessment, we offer a number of treatment options and services at our private practice, including general advice, prescriptions under Shared Care, and 1-on-1 sessions with a therapist for ongoing support.

We offer 6-week parenting programmes to help parents gain a better understanding of neurodiversity and how it affects the emotional and psychological well being of people living with mental health disorders.

We can also advise you on other options for ADHD support in Edinburgh, such as support groups.

Shared Care with your GP

We can provide prescriptions under Shared Care with your General Physician (GP), so long as they agree to provide NHS prescriptions prior to the initial medication appointment. If medical treatment is necessary, we will write a letter to the patient’s GP (public or private) asking for Shared Care.

Many ADHD medications need a physical examination before they can be prescribed, so the required measurements will be taken and recorded in our clinical notes. The consultant at Diverse Diagnostics will be responsible for the ADHD private prescription and dosage specifications, as well as all medication reviews thereafter.

Private prescriptions will be available from the 4th of January 2023.

Diverse Diagnostics: A Patient First, Family Centred Solution

At our private mental health clinic in Edinburgh, Scotland, we provide online assessments for neurodevelopmental disorders and other mental health disorders. Along with our private ADHD assessment for child and teen patients, we also offer assessments for depression, anxiety, tics, OCD, and sleep disorders.

We take a patient/family centric approach so that we can focus on delivering accessible video consultations and online assessments to help as many young people and families as possible. This means no waiting list — and no need try and find a private psychiatrist in Edinburgh near you and commute to and from appointments.

The fee for private ADHD assessments at our Edinburgh practice is also lower than other UK clinics, because it is an online service.

Embracing Neurodiversity with Dr Jagdish Basra

If you’re looking for a child psychiatrist in Edinburgh who is passionate about neurodiversity and compassionate with patients and families, Dr Jagdish Basra is the specialist for your child. Dr Basra is a Child Behaviour Psychiatrist and Adolescent Psychiatrist with a wealth of experience working with mental health conditions in children, such as ADHD, Depression, Anxiety and Autism. She is also the Medical Director at Diverse Diagnostics.

The team she leads at our private practice is also fully qualified and devoted to helping families understand mental health and neurodiversity, thus removing the stigma associated with disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

As an experienced private child psychiatrist, Dr Basra understands the unique needs of young patients and tailors each ADHD assessment at our private clinic and treatment plan around their needs to ensure they get the best support for their situation.

So if you’re looking for a private psychiatrist and ADHD assessment that puts empathy first, Dr Jagdish Basra and the Diverse Diagnostics team will ensure your child’s wellbeing is put first during our private child ADHD diagnosis in Edinburgh and subsequent treatment plan.

Let us Help

At Diverse Diagnostics, we are here to assist children and their families in accepting their diagnoses and using them to better their lives.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our ADHD assessments in Edinburgh or any other assessment service we offer.

Book an appointment for a private child ADHD assessment in Edinburgh with Diverse Diagnostics to get the right support for your child.